Saturday, May 21, 2011

exploring the yard

moved into a new house this season so been gardening and exploring the yard for whats already here. there is quite a bit of lovely plants already hanging out! Things i will likely tincture: Lemon Balm, Mugwort, Cleavers, and what i think is Yarrow but not 100% sure yet... some edibles and culinaries: red clover, rosemary, two kinds of mint, thyme... lots more still need identified. Also noticed a few blueberry bushes in pots, weeded the pots (removed dandelion which i can also tincture) and got them some new nutrients and soil.

Got multiple beds formed and now have the following growing from seed: peas, kale, spinach, lettuce, mesclun mix, carrots, beets, nasturtiums, squash, and tomatoes (which are still indoors). Also planted a few starts... eggplant, basil, oregano, chives, cilantro.
Planting potatoes this weekend, and transplanted some amazing onion from a friends yard.

Should be a fun season!

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